Victims of Crimes or Domestic Abuse

Noncitizens who have been victims of certain crimes in the U.S., victims of human trafficking, or those who have been abused by their U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident relative, may file petitions to seek protection and legal status in the U.S. They are encouraged to seek both safety and independence from their abusers or offenders.
U Visa or Status
This visa or status is set aside for victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are helpful to law enforcement or government officials in the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity.
T Status
This is a temporary immigration benefit that enables certain victims of a severe form of trafficking in persons to remain in the United States, as long as they have complied with any reasonable request for assistance from law enforcement in the detection, investigation, or prosecution of human trafficking or qualify for an exemption or exception.
VAWA Application
Spouses and children of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, and parents of U.S. citizens who are 21 years of age or older, may file a self-petition for immigrant classification with USCIS.
Permanent Residence through U Visa, T Visa, or an approved VAWA Application
U.S. immigration law allows noncitizens who have been victims of certain crimes and granted U nonimmigrant status (U visa), T nonimmigrant status , and those with approved I-360 (VAWA) applications to become lawful permanent residents (get a Green Card) after meeting certain requirements.
Immigration Protections and Initiatives for Victims of Crimes or Domestic Abuse

Did you know...?
You may self-petition under the federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) by filing a petition with immigration without your abusive family member’s knowledge or consent. A person who files a VAWA self-petition is generally known as a VAWA self-petitioner. If your self-petition is approved and you meet other eligibility requirements, you may be eligible to apply to become a lawful permanent resident.